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Shaping the season - the Summer Hair cuts of 2024

Technically we are smack bang in the middle of summer.... you wouldn't quite think so looking out of the window here in London - it is in fact looking decidedly Autumn.. but hey on a positive note we are not roasting like some parts of Europe - I always find it hard to figure out which I actually prefer...

..and talking about preferences the Hair trends for this summer is all about shapes - but which one do you prefer... which one will you choose?

Here are our favourites:

Crop Bob

Bobs really have had a major resurgence in recent years ... and they seem to be getting shorter and shorter too, so it is no surprise that the crop bob is the hottest style of the season.,...

and talking about hot if this style does not sort you out on those hot humid days (most likely when you are away) then I don't know what will!

Of course you have to bear in mind with such a short length, tying your hair back is not going to be an option - but slicking back sure is... and can create some major chic looks from easy just stepped out of a boat ride to full on chic slick with an evening gown and statement earrings..

The Kitty Cut

If soft cutesy layers are your things this is definitely the style for you.

The Kitty Cut is great for summer and if you are looking at flirting a bit with some serious layers for the season, this is a great start as it is face framing but without the crazy layers that a major shag such as the 'wolf cut' from last year or a 'modern mullet' would give you.

The kitty is in fact super easy to handle and requires very little maintenance - if you are blessed with wavy hair it will pretty much just fall in place with just a good shake and the right products.

If your hair is quite straight you might need to work a bit harder to create texture.

If your hair is very fine this may not be the best cut for you as you would need some volume to work with here.

Here is a gorgeous one created by our new stylist Eniko, she pairs it up with bold flashes of Emerald!

Bell bottom bob

Grooove is in the heeeeaaarrtt... this is all I can think of when I see this hair style!

Mainly because it was immortalised by the uber-fabulous Miss.Kier from Dee Lite in the 90s when groove is in the heart was unleashed on teh unsuspecting world... blrrrrr...

It is no surprise that the bell bottom bob is here though, with all fashion very much looking at the 90s, this was bound to happen because the 90s was heavily influenced by the 70s!

The Bell bottom bob mimics the look of the iconic trousers from the 70s by flicking out your bob and slicked or paired with a band.

I personally always liked a flicked out bob, I can never understand when people hate when the hair flicks out on their shoulders - this is telling you that get a grip! - screaming embrace the flick and make it fabulous!

The Shullet

Whether you like it or not the mullet has been wanting a come back since.... well 1984.. ..

and 40 years on it sure has had its breakthrough...

but thankfully this is not a recreation of the not always so flattering style that cemented the look of the 80s, but a softer, updated and far more sophisticated version.

One stroll through shoreditch and you will most certainly know this style is definitely speaking to the young(er) generation - creating the edgy cousin of that mullet you remember from way back when.... or a few years back if you're in Australia...

..and with so many starlets adopting the style this trend is not going away anytime soon!

Which shape will you choose..

See you at the salon - scissors ready.


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